Justice Kalebe

Justice Kalebe NGO Photographers Alliance


Justice Kalebe is a Mosotho photographer who has been working in international development for the past 15 years with both British and Australian NGOs, managing and supporting international volunteers working in communities across southern Africa. His passion for NGO photography started when his interest in humanitarian photography began to infiltrate his work in the field. Powerful imagery that surrounded him began to inspire his creative eye.

As a local photographer with an understanding of the current context, his experience has shown that the impact of foreign aid becomes more meaningful when the community is empowered to tell their personal stories, particularly through photography. His imagery is designed to intensify the visibility of key players in community development and how they benefit from the initiatives done in their communities.

Justice also believes that visual imagery are a powerful and direct way to complement monitoring and evaluation activities.

His past work working for local NGOs in Lesotho include the Rural Self-Help Development AssociationLesotho Good Shepherd Center for Teenage MothersSt. Angela Cheshire HomeTransformation Resource Center; and internationally, he has worked for German developmental organisation GIZ as well as corporate companies with their CSR programs.

Most recently, two photography exhibitions were held showcasing photography from local communities in Lesotho, an initiative undertaken by Justice where he mentored and trained rural community members in visual storytelling and photography techniques.


NGO Photographers Alliance
NGO Photographers Alliance
NGO Photographers Alliance
NGO Photographers Alliance


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